What exactly is a fathers rights attorney? As the title implies, fathers rights attorneys are recognized experts in family law and paternity rights. If there have been some devastating arguments involving the couple or the children, then the father would definitely need an attorney who is trained in family law and the fathers rights. However, there would also be situations where a mother wants child support and the father wants visitation rights or even custody of the children. This is especially the case if the mother has abused the father physically or emotionally.
There are a number of attorneys who offer their services to protect the legalities of fathers rights. It is advisable that you get a consultation from at least three different attorneys before choosing one. The first meeting should give you an opportunity to know more about them and whether or not you feel comfortable with them. You should never go with an attorney who does not respect your parental rights. A good St. Louis paternity lawyer would go the extra mile to ensure that the interests of the father are protected throughout the legal process.
If the mother has been putting the father off his parental rights by filing for custody or by saying that they cannot afford to pay child support, then the best fathers rights lawyer is the one who will help the father receive his parental rights. Some mothers don’t realize that they do have a lot of leverage and that they can use it to their advantage. Even if the court orders child support payments, the mother could use that as a tool to make the father pay for the emotional and physical care of the children.
If the mother has been threatening to send the father to jail under the custody order and to prevent visitation, then the best fathers rights attorney would be the one who can prevent the custody battle from going to trial. This requires an attorney who knows how to talk to the court and to get the judge to look favorably on the father. It also requires an attorney who knows how to deal with the probation officer and how to complete the necessary paperwork without having to go through too many motions. If the mother wants to stop visitation and wants to send the father to jail, an experienced St. Louis civil rights attorney would be the one who can make that happen.
Fathers rights attorneys also deal with the visitation rights of fathers. If the mother wants to send the children to live with their father, then the best St. Louis paternity lawyer is the one who can protect the father’s right to visit his children on a regular basis. Some fathers rights attorneys work only with custodial parents while others work exclusively with the noncustodial or joint custody parents. The best fathers rights attorney is the one who is familiar with all of the family law courts and who has experience working with the custody and visitation issues. Check out www.stlouisdivorcelawyers.net/fathers-rights/ to learn more about Father’s Rights attorneys.
Fathers rights lawyers also help the father get his child custody case off to a quick end by helping him to obtain the best possible custody agreement. In most cases, the father will not be able to get as involved in the decision about his child custody as he might like, especially if he isn’t really involved in the pregnancy or if he doesn’t have a relationship with the child. But with a knowledgeable St. Louis child custody attorney, a father will be able to work out an agreement that suits his needs and that is in his best interest.